Friday, 11 April 2014

Simple way to save on public transport

Save! Potentially $5? I'm seriously not sure how much cos luck play a large part.

The long and the short of it
Sign up for the Insinc and just use public transport as per normal.

Local tips!
Well none. More like reassurance. This thing (actually a research study) is backed by LTA! (Ah Gong's initiative ok!)


Way back in 2012 or was it earlier, LTA basically commissioned a research project to run this programme called Insinc to gather data and reward people for participating and riding public transport.

It's all very government conspiracy theory like but hey! They're giving out moolah for your travel information so why not?
Wait wait wait, isn't my privacy at stake you say? Well, sorry folks, ezlink cards have been and can be used to detect where you are already without you signing onto Insinc. Remember you need to give your IC when buying ezlink cards? Yessssshhh...

Anyway, it's simple, sign up here to be in the programme and they will run this weird ass super math equation casino like game in which you will probably win something if you take public transport long enough.

Sign up here -

Already $3.6mil given out so far and I personally have gotten about $9 from using it for... oh maybe 3yrs. Yes it's loose change but hey, that $3 can buy me a meal ok. 
Must be cheapo to be rich some day. 

PS: the programme was slated to end by Dec 2013 but seems like they are still getting good demand and LTA is continuing it indefinitely. So just jump in lah. Cost you nothing.

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