Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Getting more money from your salary with DBS!

Save! Earn! - $60! 

The long and the short of it:
Get your HR payroll to deposit your salary into a DBS / POSB account and that's it! Insta extra $60!
Sadly this applies only to new salary credit arrangements. So basically if you are already sending money to a DBS / POSB account then no fish.

Additional or local tips!
No hafz.
But you can take revenge by assigning another your salary to be credited into another bank. Not only will you get the sweet taste of moving future funds away, you might get a higher interest rate from the other bank. BUT, scarly that other bank starts a similar promo like DBS...

So no revenge transfers better ya.


The title is misleading. Max is $60... But better than nothing!

Easy peasy one. Just get your HR payrolls officer to credit your salary to a DBS / POSB account. DBS will then give you a 5% cash reward based on your monthly salary up to a maximum of $60 awarded. So basically anyone earning up to $1,200 should just do this.

The sad news is... If you're already sending your pay-checks to DBS, then well tough luck. They won't give you the cash reward.

Register here and you talk to your HR. 
Fine print here but I think it should apply to most salaried minions like you and me.

Offer ends on 31 May 2014 so do it quick!!!

*This post is all thanks to a tip off from Misty who gave me the heads up! Thanks Misty! 
For all the rest out there, I would love to hear from you too if this blog has helped and to share other money saving tips :)

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